The purpose of this article is to provide a function to display all objects owned by a user in all databases in the Postgres cluster.
Function only needs to be created in a single database. The function has a single parameter, the user whose objects you want listed. If the parameter passed is 'h' or 'H', an explanation of how to execute the function is provided.
The execution is a series of commands, psql
and sed
, to produce the output.
The list of instructions is included below, and again is available by executing the function with a paramter of 'h'.
- Execute the function, redirecting output to a file
psql -d <DB> -t -q -F ' ' -c "SELECT * FROM List_Object_Ownership('username')" -o COO.out
- Remove trailing output from the output file
sed -ie 's/--.*$//g' COO.out
- Execute the file as input to psql, to generate the list of objects
psql -d <DB> -f COO.out -t -q -F ' ' -o COO.cmds
- Reformat the output file, adding indicator for each database and removing blank lines
sed -ie 's/\\c/Database: /g' COO.cmds
grep -v -e '^$' COO.cmds > List_Objects.txt
- The file
has the full list of objects owned by the user Sorted by Database and then Type
For example:
| Db/user | Object | Name |
| Database | second_db | |
| testuser | table | public.users |
| Database | testdb | |
| testuser | table | public.first |
| testuser | table | sch1.first |
| testuser | index | sch1.first_uniq |
| testuser | view | sch1.first_view |
| testuser | materialized view | sch1.first_mv |
| testuser | sequence | public.seq |
| testuser | sequence | sch1.schema1_seq |
| testuser | synonym | public.sch1first |
| testuser | function | sch1.square |
| testuser | schema1 | sch1 |
Function Definition:
CREATE OR REPLACE function List_Object_Ownership(original_user_name varchar(255))
the_command varchar(255),
the_db varchar(255),
seqnum int
-- This procedure creates a report showing all objects owned in all databases by the specified user
-- If the original/source user does not exist an error is displayed and the function terminates
--if invoked with first parameter of 'h', displays purpose and how to execute the job
language plpgsql
as $$
DECLARE old_user_count int=0;
DECLARE error_flag int=0;
DECLARE test_user varchar(255);
-- check to see if user asking for help
if (original_user_name = 'h' or original_user_name = 'H')
raise notice ' ';
raise notice ' This function is used to list all the objects owned by the specified user in all databases';
raise notice ' ';
raise notice ' ';
raise notice 'format: List_Object_Ownership (''username'')';
raise notice 'Full execution steps:';
raise notice ' ';
raise notice 'psql -d <DB> -t -q -F '' '' -c "select * from List_Object_Ownership(''username'')" -o COO.out';
raise notice ' Remove extraneous information from the output file:';
raise notice 'sed -ie ''s/--.*$//g'' COO.out ';
raise notice ' Run this thru the database to generate the list of objects commands:';
raise notice 'psql -d <DB> -f COO.out -t -q -F '' '' -o COO.cmds';
raise notice ' The use sed and grep to reformat';
raise notice 'sed -ie ''s/\\c/Database: /g'' COO.cmds';
raise notice 'grep -v -e ''^$'' COO.cmds > List_Objects.txt ';
raise notice ' ';
raise notice ' The file List_Objects has the full list of objects owned by the user';
raise notice ' Sorted by Database and then Type';
raise notice ' ';
raise notice 'Sample Output:';
raise notice ' DATABASE: second_db; ';
raise notice ' owner: testuser table: public.users';
raise notice ' DATABASE: testdb; ';
raise notice ' owner: testuser table: public.first';
raise notice ' owner: testuser table: sch1.first';
raise notice ' owner: testuser index: sch1.first_uniq';
raise notice ' owner: testuser view: sch1.first_view';
raise notice ' owner: testuser materialized view: sch1.first_mv';
raise notice ' owner: testuser sequence: public.seq';
raise notice ' owner: testuser sequence: sch1.schema1_seq';
raise notice ' owner: testuser synonym: public.sch1first';
raise notice ' owner: testuser function: sch1.square';
raise notice ' owner: testuser schema: sch1';
raise notice '';
error_flag = 1;
end if;
-- create temporary objects
CREATE temporary sequence _myseq;
CREATE temporary table _database_names (the_db varchar(255));
CREATE temporary table _user (usename varchar(255), usesysid int);
CREATE temporary table _the_command(seqnum int, the_db varchar(255), command varchar(255));
CREATE temporary table _old_user_table( the_user varchar(255));
INSERT INTO _database_names SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn='t' AND datistemplate='f';
INSERT INTO _user SELECT usename, usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename = original_user_name;
SELECT count(*) FROM _user into old_user_count;
IF (old_user_count = 0) AND error_flag = 0
raise notice 'The user specified as owning objects % does not exist in the database', original_user_name;
error_flag = 1;
INSERT INTO _old_user_table values (original_user_name);
IF error_flag =0
-- build up the commands and insert them into the_table
-- dbname and sequence number used later to ensure that
-- the \c command is issued before any dml executed against the database
INSERT INTO _the_command
SELECT nextval('_myseq') , db.the_db , '\c ' || db.the_db ||'; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db, 'select ''' || '\c ' || db.the_db || '; ''; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' table: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''r'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' partitioned table: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''p'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' foreign table: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''f'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' toast table: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''t'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' index: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''i'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' partitioned index: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''I'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' view: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''v'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' materialized view: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''m'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' sequence: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''S'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' synonym: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'synonym.synname'
|| ' from pg_synonym synonym, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where synonym.synnamespace = namespace.oid '
|| ' and synowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' function: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'function.funname'
|| ' from pg_function function, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where function.funnamespace = namespace.oid '
|| ' and function.funowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' procedure: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'procedure.proname'
|| ' from pg_procedure procedure, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where procedure.pronamespace = namespace.oid '
|| ' and procedure.proowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' schema: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname'
|| ' from pg_namespace namespace '
||' where nspowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
SELECT nextval('_myseq'), db.the_db,
'select '' owner: ' || (select the_user from _old_user_table)
|| ' composite type: '' ||' || ' namespace.nspname' || ' || ''.''||' || 'class.relname'
|| ' from pg_class class, pg_namespace namespace '
||' where class.relnamespace = namespace.oid and relkind = ''c'''
|| ' and relowner = '
|| (select usesysid from _user)
|| '; --'''
FROM _database_names db
RETURN QUERY SELECT tc.command, tc.the_db , tc.seqnum FROM _the_command tc order by 2,3;