xDB MMR setup using CLI

Kishor Hargude
Kishor Hargude
  • Updated


In this document, we are sharing the steps required to setup the MMR replication between 2 EPAS databases which are running on 2 different hosts and xDB installed on 3rd host. Below are the high level steps to be performed for setting up MMR replication

  • Install,configure and start the xDB publication service on xDB host
  • Password Encryption
  • Add PDN ( previously called as MDN) node
  • Create Publication (Set of tables to be published)
  • Add Non-PDN ( previously called as non- MDN) node
  • Take Snapshot
  • Synchronize
  • Schedule synchronization


PDN means Primary Definition Node, This is the first database node added to MMR Setup

Non-PDN are all the others Primary nodes added in future

MMR Setup Details


| Connectivity Params | Value |
| DB host | |
| DB port | 5444 |
| DB user | enterprisedb |
| DB Name | xdb_demo |


| Connectivity Params | Value |
| DB host | |
| DB port | 5444 |
| DB user | enterprisedb |
| DB Name | edb |

xDB Host :

Publication Name : xdb_pub

Publication table list : tab1,tab2

In this demo setup, the xDB server is installed on separate host ( so, all the given below steps are performed on xDB host (

Prerequisites to setup MMR

  • Ports 9051 and 9052 should be open on xDB host.
  • The xDB Publication service runs on 9051 and xDB subscription service runs on 9052 port.
  • The pg_hba.conf entries should be configured on all databases node to be participated in the xDB replication setup. This is to allow the database connection from xDB host.
  • Publication tables must have the primary key.

xDB Installation Steps

Steps to setup xDB replication

Step 1: Start the publication service.

Before starting the MMR setup, we have to start the publication service on xDB host ( . For MMR replication only Publication service needs to be running.

Step 1.1: copy service file edb-xdbpubserver.service and edb-xdbsubserver.service from /usr/lib/systemd/system to /etc/systemd/system

[root@localhost bin]# cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/edb-xdbpubserver.service /etc/systemd/system/
[root@localhost bin]# cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/edb-xdbsubserver.service /etc/systemd/system/

Step 1.2: Start the publication service

[root@localhost bin]# systemctl start edb-xdbpubserver.service

Step 1.3: Check the status of the publication service

[root@localhost bin]# systemctl status edb-xdbpubserver.service

For all steps after this point, we have used the edb-repcli.jar (located in binary location of the EPRS i.e. /usr/edb/xdb) with command line arguments.

Step 2: Password encryption

Encrypt the PDN,Non-PDN,admin user as well as database user passwords using -encrypt option


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-encrypt ## Subcommand to encrypt the password
-input ../etc/infile.txt ## file path which stores the plaintext password to be encrypted
-output ../etc/outfile.txt ## file path which will hold the encrypted password


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -encrypt -input ../etc/infile.txt -output ../etc/outfile.txt
[root@localhost bin]# cat ../etc/infile.txt
[root@localhost bin]# cat ../etc/outfile.txt
[root@localhost bin]#

Default publication server admin user credentials file:

[root@localhost bin]# cat /etc/edb-repl.conf
admin_password=SJ70z8Gk0zY= ## Plain text password is edb

Create the publication server configuration file by specifying publication server details (like publication server host,port,user and password)

cat /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf


Step 3: Add Primary Definition Node


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-addpubdb ## Sub command to add publication database
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file
-dbtype enterprisedb ## Type of database enterprisedb or postgresql (in case of opensource)
-dbhost localhost ## Host ip of the database server which is going to be publication database
-dbport 5444 ## Port no. of the database server which is going to be publication database
-dbuser enterprisedb ## DB user (superuser) of the database server which is going to be publication database
-dbpassword hV66jbp9L8bvLxZ0Bea/tw== ## encrypted password of the db user of the database server which is going to be publication database
-database xdb_demo ## database name of the database server which is going to be publication database
-repgrouptype m ## replication type i.e. mmr
-changesetlogmode t ## Trigger based replication or log based replication. if trigger base then t else w


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -addpubdb -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf -dbtype enterprisedb -dbhost -dbport 5444 -dbuser enterprisedb -dbpassword hV66jbp9L8bvLxZ0Bea/tw== -database xdb_demo -repgrouptype m -changesetlogmode t
Adding publication database...
Publication database added successfully. 
Publication database id:1

Step 4: Create publication(Set of tables to be published)


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-createpub pub_db ## Sub command to add publication database
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file
-pubdbid 1 ## MDN Publication database id
-reptype t ## Type of replication t for synchronization s for snapshot only
-tables public.tab1 public.tab2 ## List of schema qualified tables to be published


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -createpub pub_db -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf -pubdbid 1 -reptype t -tables public.tab1 public.tab2
Creating publication...
Tables:[[public.tab1, TABLE], [public.tab2, TABLE]]
Filter clause:[]
Conflict Resolution Option:[ Earliest Timestamp, Earliest Timestamp ]
Standby Conflict Resolution Option:[ Manual, Manual ]
Publication created.

Step 5: Add Non-Primary Definition Node

Note : Before adding Non-PDN node make sure that PDN node and publication on PDN node is created.


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-addpubdb ## Sub command to add publication database
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file
-dbtype enterprisedb ## Type of database server 
-dbhost ## hostname/IP of database server 
-dbport 5444 -dbuser enterprisedb ## Username of database server
-dbpassword hV66jbp9L8bvLxZ0Bea/tw== ## encrypted password of database user
-database xdb_demo ## Database name from database server to be added as publication database
-repgrouptype m ## mode of replication for publication database to be added m for multimaster s for single master
-changesetlogmode t ## type of replication i.e. t for trigger base and w for log based


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -addpubdb -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf -dbtype enterprisedb -dbhost -dbport 5445 -dbuser enterprisedb -dbpassword hV66jbp9L8bvLxZ0Bea/tw== -database xdb_demo -repgrouptype m -changesetlogmode t
Adding publication database...
Replicating publication schema...
Publication database added successfully. Publication database id:53

Step 6: Snapshot operation

Using this command, take the initial snapshot from PDN database node to all Non-PDN database nodes for specific publication.


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-dommrsnapshot pub_db ## Subcommand for snapshot operation in MMR with MDN publication name
-pubhostdbid 31 ## Non-MDN publication database id
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -dommrsnapshot pub_db -pubhostdbid 53 -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf

Step 7: Synchronization operation

Note: Before run the synchronize operation on any Non-PDN node make sure that, initial snapshot has been taken prior to synchronize operation.

Using this command, manually synchronize the data across all publications database nodes for specific publication.


java -jar edb-repcli.jar 
-dosynchronize pub_db ## Subcommand for synchoronization operation with MDN publication name
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file
-repgrouptype m ## mode of replication m for MMR and s for SMR


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -dosynchronize pub_db -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf -repgrouptype m
Performing synchronize...
Publication synchronized successfully.
[root@localhost bin]#

Step 8: Synchronization Schedule

Automate the data synchronization replication by defining the schedule for data synchronize operation. In below example, defined the schedule of 5 seconds interval between two synchronize replication operation.


java -jar edb-repcli.jar
-confschedulemmr 1 ## subcommand to configure MMR schedule
-pubname pub_db ## name of Publication created on MDN node
-repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf ## Path of Publication server configuration file
-realtime 5 ## time interval for next synchronisation operation(here 5 seconds)


[root@localhost bin]# java -jar edb-repcli.jar -confschedulemmr 1 -pubname pub_db -repsvrfile /usr/edb/xdb/etc/publication_server.conf -realtime 5
Configuring scheduler ...
Job is successfully scheduled.
[root@localhost bin]#

MMR Test Result

Before inserting value in PDN database on Non-PDN node

edb=# \c xdb_demo
You are now connected to database "xdb_demo" as user "enterprisedb".
xdb_demo=# select * from tab1;
id | val
1 | kishor1
2 | kishor2
3 | kishor3
4 | kishor4
5 | kishor5
6 | kishor6
7 | kishor7
(7 rows)

After inserting value in PDN database on Non-PDN node

xdb_demo=# select * from tab1;
id | val
1 | kishor1
2 | kishor2
3 | kishor3
4 | kishor4
5 | kishor5
6 | kishor6
7 | kishor7
8 | val8
(8 rows)

Before inserting value in Non-PDN database on PDN node

xdb_demo=# select * from tab1;
id | val
1 | kishor1
2 | kishor2
3 | kishor3
4 | kishor4
5 | kishor5
6 | kishor6
7 | kishor7
8 | val8
(8 rows)

After inserting value in Non-PDN database on PDN node

xdb_demo=# select * from tab1;
id | val
1 | kishor1
2 | kishor2
3 | kishor3
4 | kishor4
5 | kishor5
6 | kishor6
7 | kishor7
8 | val8
9 | val9
(9 rows)

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