Basic installation of Kubernetes on RHEL

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
  • Updated

This document shows the very basic setup of getting K8s up and running on a RHEL 8 server.

Install the required repositories

Install the Docker repository:

dnf config-manager --add-repo

Install the Kubernetes Repository, by adding a kubernetes.repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following contents:

#exclude=kubelet kubeadm kubectl

Install required packages and software

Install the following packages using dnf:

dnf install -y cri-tools.x86_64 kubeadm.x86_64 kubectl.x86_64 kubelet.x86_64 kubernetes-cni.x86_64 docker-buildx-plugin.x86_64 docker-ce.x86_64 docker-ce-cli.x86_64

Install additional software

We need to install helm, cnp plugin, k3d and kind.

To install helm execute the following as root:

curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700

To install the CNP plugin execute the following as the root:

curl -sSfL |   sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

To install k3d execute the following as the root:

curl -s | bash

To install kind execute the following as root:

# For AMD64 / x86_64

[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind

# For ARM64

[ $(uname -m) = aarch64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind

Configure a non-root user to have the correct access.

K8s / Docker should not be executed as a root user, as such, we need to add any non-root users we wish to be able to manage k8s clusters to the group docker, e.g.:

usermod -aG docker ec2-user

Enable and start the Docker service

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

The server is now ready to deploy and test k8s clusters. Below is an example of setting up an EPAS 16, 3 database node cluster, with TDE enabled.

Create the yaml file

To begin with, let's create a yaml file that defines the cluster, we will call this file cluster_epas16_tde.yaml and the contents will be:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tde-key
  key: bG9zcG9sbGl0b3NkaWNlbnBpb3Bpb3Bpb2N1YW5kb3RpZW5lbmhhbWJyZWN1YW5kb3RpZW5lbmZyaW8=

kind: Cluster
  name: tde
  instances: 3
        enabled: true
          name: tde-key
          key: key
    size: 1Gi

The license key itself listed above is not valid, but one can be provided.

Create the cluster

So that we can start from scratch, we can clear down any existing clusters and helm repositories, this step is optional. As you non-root user execute:

k3d cluster delete -a
helm repo remove edb

Next, we create the cluster and add the helm repository. We only need the helm repository if we are using EDB proprietary images, eg PGD or EPAS. Execute the following commands:

k3d cluster create tde
helm repo add edb

Install the operator from the helm repository

We can search the helm repository as follows to list the available helm charts:

helm search repo edb

The output will resemble:

NAME                                       	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                                       
edb/edb-postgres-distributed-for-kubernetes	1.0.0        	1.0.0      	EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes Helm Chart
edb/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes            	0.21.2       	1.23.2     	EDB Postgres for Kubernetes Helm Chart            
edb/cloud-native-postgresql                	0.13.0       	1.15.0     	Cloud Native Postgresql Helm Chart     

In this example we will use the edb/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes chart, as follows:

helm upgrade --dependency-update \
  --install edb-epas-tde \
  --namespace postgresql-operator-system \
  --create-namespace \
  edb/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes \
  --set image.imageCredentials.username=k8s_enterprise_pgd \
  --set image.imageCredentials.password={repos2_company_token}

Check the deployment of the operator has succeeded

Using kubectl you can confirm the status of the operator as follows:

kubectl get deployments -A

The output should look similar to that shown below:

NAMESPACE                    NAME                                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
kube-system                  local-path-provisioner                     1/1     1            1           48m
kube-system                  coredns                                    1/1     1            1           48m
kube-system                  traefik                                    1/1     1            1           48m
postgresql-operator-system   edb-epas-tde-edb-postgres-for-kubernetes   1/1     1            1           48m
kube-system                  metrics-server                             1/1     1            1           48m

The key entry being:

postgresql-operator-system   edb-epas-tde-edb-postgres-for-kubernetes   1/1     1  

Apply the yaml file

Finally, we are ready to apply the yaml file using kubectl as follows:

kubectl apply -f cluster_epas16_tde.yaml

Final checks

All being well, after a short wait, you can check which pods are running, and their state using the following command:

kubectl get pods -A

The output should resemble:

NAMESPACE                    NAME                                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system                  local-path-provisioner-6c86858495-cp9kh                     1/1     Running     0          53m
kube-system                  coredns-6799fbcd5-9fhpm                                     1/1     Running     0          53m
kube-system                  helm-install-traefik-crd-ss46f                              0/1     Completed   0          53m
kube-system                  helm-install-traefik-s2674                                  0/1     Completed   1          53m
kube-system                  svclb-traefik-9e4dd8e1-2k7rq                                2/2     Running     0          53m
kube-system                  traefik-f4564c4f4-rbtfh                                     1/1     Running     0          53m
postgresql-operator-system   edb-epas-tde-edb-postgres-for-kubernetes-59d5949979-zrs4w   1/1     Running     0          53m
kube-system                  metrics-server-54fd9b65b-mtkf5                              1/1     Running     0          53m
default                      tde-1                                                       1/1     Running     0          51m
default                      tde-2                                                       1/1     Running     0          51m
default                      tde-3                                                       1/1     Running     0          51m

As can be seen, there are 3 TDE pods all running.

We can now check on the pods themselves, using psql as below.

PostgreSQL version

kubectl exec --stdin --tty tde-1 -- psql -c "select version();"
Defaulted container "postgres" out of: postgres, bootstrap-controller (init)
 PostgreSQL 16.3 (EnterpriseDB Advanced Server 16.3.0) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-20), 64-bit
(1 row)

TDE status

kubectl exec --stdin --tty tde-1 -- psql -c "select data_encryption_version from pg_control_init();"
Defaulted container "postgres" out of: postgres, bootstrap-controller (init)
(1 row)

data_encryption_version value of 1 indicates TDE is enabled.

Whether Redwood compatibility is enabled

Simply query the postgres parameters for redwood:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty tde-1 -- psql -c "select name,setting from pg_settings where name like '%redwood%';"
Defaulted container "postgres" out of: postgres, bootstrap-controller (init)
            name            | setting 
 edb_redwood_date           | on
 edb_redwood_greatest_least | on
 edb_redwood_raw_names      | off
 edb_redwood_strings        | on
(4 rows)

Again, in our example, Redwood is enabled.

Check the status of the cluster

Using the cnp plugin installed above, we can gain a lot of information from the status of the cluster using the command in the following format:

kubectl cnp status cluster_name -n namespace

In our case, the output is:

kubectl cnp status tde -n default
Cluster Summary
Name:                tde
Namespace:           default
System ID:           7385132692532666402
PostgreSQL Image:
Primary instance:    tde-1
Primary start time:  2024-06-27 10:46:58 +0000 UTC (uptime 1h2m3s)
Status:              Cluster in healthy state 
Instances:           3
Ready instances:     3
Current Write LSN:   0/A000060 (Timeline: 1 - WAL File: 00000001000000000000000A)

Certificates Status
Certificate Name  Expiration Date                Days Left Until Expiration
----------------  ---------------                --------------------------
tde-ca            2024-09-25 10:41:12 +0000 UTC  89.95
tde-replication   2024-09-25 10:41:12 +0000 UTC  89.95
tde-server        2024-09-25 10:41:12 +0000 UTC  89.95

Continuous Backup status
Not configured

Physical backups
No running physical backups found

Streaming Replication status
Replication Slots Enabled
Name   Sent LSN   Write LSN  Flush LSN  Replay LSN  Write Lag  Flush Lag  Replay Lag  State      Sync State  Sync Priority  Replication Slot
----   --------   ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----      ----------  -------------  ----------------
tde-2  0/A000060  0/A000060  0/A000060  0/A000060   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0              active
tde-3  0/A000060  0/A000060  0/A000060  0/A000060   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0              active

Unmanaged Replication Slot Status
No unmanaged replication slots found

Managed roles status
No roles managed

Tablespaces status
No managed tablespaces

Pod Disruption Budgets status
Name         Role     Expected Pods  Current Healthy  Minimum Desired Healthy  Disruptions Allowed
----         ----     -------------  ---------------  -----------------------  -------------------
tde-primary  primary  1              1                1                        0
tde          replica  2              2                1                        1

Instances status
Name   Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS         Manager Version  Node
----   -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---         ---------------  ----
tde-1  69 MB          0/A000060    Primary           OK      BestEffort  1.23.2           k3d-tde-server-0
tde-2  68 MB          0/A000060    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.23.2           k3d-tde-server-0
tde-3  68 MB          0/A000060    Standby (async)   OK      BestEffort  1.23.2           k3d-tde-server-0

As can be seen from the output generated, everything is looking exactly as it should.

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