This article was originally published on June 05, 2018
RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENTEDB Postgres Failover Manager 3.1
This announcement is notifying you of a new software release: EDB Postgres Failover Manager version 3.1. Failover Manager provides the high availability infrastructure for EDB Postgres clusters. Failover Manager monitors the members of a Postgres cluster, identifies and verifies database failures quickly and reliably, and if needed promotes a standby node to become the cluster master and issues alerts.
Highlights of this release include:
- More granular control of switchover - Failover Manager now has additional syntax for the efm promote command.
- Control over agent lock file - The Failover Manager property file now includes the lock.dir property; the property specifies the location of a lock file that is used to prevent starting multiple agents for the same cluster.
- Multiple virtual IP addresses - are now supported by Failover Manager.
- Non-sudo host supported by upgrade-conf - The efm upgrade-conf utility now provides syntax that supports those users whose clusters reside on non-sudo hosts.
- Stop unreachable failed master database - The Failover Manager property file now includes the stop.failed.master property; the property instructs Failover Manager to attempt to stop a failed master database that can no longer be reached.
- Control nodes file updates for clusters - The Failover Manager property file now includes the stable.nodes.file property. The property controls Failover Manager behavior related to the .nodes file (when new nodes join or leave the cluster).
- Manage minimum severity level for user notification - The Failover Manager property file now includes the notification.level property; the property allows you to limit the type of notifications sent.
- Virtual IPs included in cluster status report - The content of the cluster-status report and cluster-status-json report has been updated to include information about VIP addresses.
This announcement is for EDB customers who have a current database subscription for EDB Postgres Standard or EDB Postgres Enterprise and are either currently using or are interested in deploying EDB Failover Manager.
The update is available from the EDB repositories. To setup your credentials and gain access to the repository, please submit a request:
For more details, please review the Failover Manager 3.1 Documentation:
If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:
US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891
UK: +44-2033719820
Brazil: +55-2139581371
India: +91-20-66449612