EDB Technical Update for EDB Postgres Replication Server 7.0 (Beta)

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This article was originally published on January 14, 2019

Technical Update

EDB Postgres Replication Server 7.0 (Beta)

This announcement is notifying you of a new software release: EDB Postgres Replication Server 7.0 Beta. EDB Postgres Replication Server is a streaming logical replication solution  available for PostgreSQL and for EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

EDB Postgres Replication Server 7 is significantly different in its architecture, usage, and capability than the current EDB Postgres Replication Server 6.x. The major architectural advance is the incorporation of Apache Kafka message streaming for replicating changes between databases and Apache Zookeeper configuration management. Together these provide a higher performing and more resilient logical replication solution.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Single-Master and Multi-Master Replication Clusters: Configure a single master multi-replica cluster to offload reporting applications from production databases. Additionally, provision high-availability and write-scalability use cases with multiple master nodes that are synced in near-real time.

  • Multiple Publications per Database: Create multiple publications in the same (SMR or MMR) cluster to create separate logical groups of tables.

  • Hybrid replication: Setup a replication cluster such that each participating node is capable of acting as a master or replica or in both modes.

  • High-Availability with Auto-Failover: Eliminate single-point of failure with multiple in-sync replicas managed by Apache Kafka and ZooKeeper.

  • Offline Snapshot: The offline mode allows new replication nodes to quickly copy initial data for a large size database using PostgreSQL dump/restore utilities or other 3rd party options like Google Snapshot.

  • Data Filtering: Define and apply row-level filters to control what data is replicated to target consumers.

  • End-to-end Data Compression: Reduce network overhead and improve data transmission for large data sets through use of gzip/snappy data compression options.

  • Command-line Utility: Use Rep-CLI (REST) client utility to automate cluster configuration.

  • Basic Cluster-wide Monitoring: Health-check by monitoring key metrics and email alert notification based on metric threshold.
  • Certificate-based Authentication: Configure SSL-based user authentication.

  • ACL-based Access Control: Define users and roles for flexible and well-managed user access to the system.  

  • Encrypted Database Connection: Secure data in transit for replication by enabling encrypted communication to the database server.

  • Postgres v10, v9.6 Support: Replication between PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server v10 and v9.6 databases are supported.


The beta period for EDB Postgres Replication Server 7 is planned to run through February 2019. As beta software it is important to remind you that only Generally Available versions are supported in production environments. If you encounter any issues in your non production use of the beta release, please contact EDB support.  EDB’s Support and Development are here to help.

For customers currently using EDB Postgres Replication Server v6.x and are considering testing with the beta please be aware that the following features are not yet available with the v7.0 Beta:

  • Management User Interface

  • Column level filtering

  • Update/Update and Insert/Insert conflict management

  • Enhanced cluster-wide monitoring

  • Windows Server support

  • NX-802:  [MMR-SSL] In a 3-node cluster, CDC changes are not replicated from node3 to node2.

  • NX-798:  [MMR-3Node] In a 3-node cluster, CDC changes are not replicated when a new table is added in the Publication set.

  • With the default configuration options, Snapshot fails in a high-latency cross-region AWS cluster. The work-around is to set request.timeout.ms=120000 in consumer.properties and then perform Snapshot.


This announcement is for EDB customers who are using, or are interested in, EDB Postgres Replication Server or have a database subscription purchased for:

  • EDB Postgres Replication Server v6.x and earlier

  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server 10.x, 9.6.x


To get the EDB Postgres Replication Server 7 beta software and documentation please visit: https://www.enterprisedb.com/beta-programs

EDB Postgres Replication Server 7 beta supports RHEL / CentOS / OEL 7.x 64-bit Linux

Note: Direct upgrade from EDB Replication Server 6.x to EDB Replication Server 7 is not supported.


If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:

Email:  support@enterprisedb.com


US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891

UK: +44-2033719820

Brazil: +55-2139581371

India: +91-20-66449612

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