EDB Technical Update for Postgres Advanced Server (Database Server 11.5.12)

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This article was originally published on August 26, 2019

Technical Update
EDB Postgres Advanced Server (Database Server 11.5.12)

This update is notifying you of a new software release EDB Postgres™ Advanced Server 11.5.12. EDB Postgres Advanced Server 11 is built on the open source PostgreSQL 11, which introduces an impressive number of improvements that enable databases to scale up and scale out in more efficient ways. PostgreSQL 11 introduces increased robustness and performance to partitioning, transactions supported in stored features, enhanced capability for query parallelism and many more features.

Highlights of 11.5.12 release include: This update contains the following fixes: 
  • RM44027 - ecpg: Adjust the CALL statement to account for CallStmt rule. [#872479]
  • RM43945 - dblink_oci: Fix to minimize the memory consumption for partition table select. [#861800]
  • RM43983 - Convert RAW to VARCHAR before assigning to VARCHAR variable.[#865427]
  • RM43873 - Fix to_char() for formats like spell mode, "IWW", "SPTH", "DDD", "D (day of the week)" etc. to make to_char() more redwood and PG compatible. [#865427]
  • RM44055 - ecpg: Fix buffer overflow issue in CALL statement handling.
  • RM44023 - Prevent parallel index build under autonomous transaction.
  • RM44030 - edbldr: Fix WARNING for not owning proper lock on relation during resource cleanup.
  • RM44026 - Fix test_decoding slot test.
  • RM44025 - Add support for edb_filter_log.
  • RM43962 - dblink_oci: Don't allow password and obfuscated_password options together.
  • RM44020 - Fixed error "unexpected varattno 2 in expression to be mapped" in subpartition when edb_enable_pruning is ON.
  • RM44011 - edbldr: Fix INSERT mode for partitioning table.
  • RM43824 - Fix concurrency problem in autonomous transactions.
  • RM44002 - Fix "__remote_rowid_" attribute values correctly.
This update also contains Cloneschema 1.10.

*References in the square brackets are the customer case numbers.

For Windows:
  • If you have the system temp pointing to the non-default location then you must make sure it is secure and matches the permissions with  "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp"
This announcement is for EDB customers who are using, or are interested in, EDB Postgres Advanced Server and have a database subscription purchased for:
  • EDB Postgres Enterprise Edition
EDB Postgres Advanced Server v11 is packaged and delivered as a series of interactive installers available via Stackbuilder Plus and on the EnterpriseDB website. Visit:

RPM Packages are available for download from:

Debian/Ubuntu Packages are available for download from:

To request the credentials required to access EnterpriseDB repositories, please visit https://www.enterprisedb.com/repository-access-request
Documentation is provided on the EnterpriseDB website.  Visit:

If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:
Email:  support@enterprisedb.com
Phone: US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891
UK: +44-2033719820
Brazil: +55-2139581371
India: +91-20-66449612

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