EDB Technical Alert for Postgres Enterprise ManagerⓇ (PEM) 7.14

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This article was originally published on May 18, 2020

Postgres Enterprise Manager(PEM) 7.14


This update is notifying you of a new software release, Postgres Enterprise Manager(PEM) 7.14 from EnterpriseDB. PEM is the only Postgres management tool to combine monitoring, alerting, and tuning of multiple Postgres clusters into a single GUI (graphical user interface).

Among the many features, release 7.14 includes the Search object. The Search Object allows to search any database objects within a database, and allows to locate it within the browser tree; see the screenshot below:


Highlights of this release include:




Search object functionality - search a database object within a database using a text string and wildcard, and locate them in the browser tree

Improves usability with a global search feature to find database objects (schemas, databases, indices, etc.) quickly.

Send SMTP & SNMP traps using multiple PEM agents simultaneously - Newer versions of PEM agents will be able to process SMTP emails, and SNMP traps parallelly. 

Users will receive alert notifications even when the PEM agent on the PEM Server is down. 

New state 'Unmanaged' for the database servers on the monitoring dashboard

Some database servers are registered with the PEM for administration purposes only and are not bound to any pemAgent.

We now show their state as ‘Unmanaged’ on the monitoring dashboard instead of ‘Unknown.’ The ‘Unknown’ state is only used for servers when the bound PEM agent is down. 

Using 4096 bit key for generating the SSL certificates

Modified the configuration script, installer & PEM Agent to generate certificates using the 4096-bit key that meet or exceed current industry standards

Sign the certificates using the SHA256 algorithm (sslutils v1.3)

Changed the signing certificate algorithm to SHA256 from SHA1 to meet or exceed current industry standards.


Other features include:

  • Added support for PEM on CentOS 8

  • Improved the accessibility support in different third party libraries

  • Python 3.8 support

  • Introduced a new v3 version of REST API, which includes SNMP v3 support.

  • Added support for parameter toast_tuple_target and parallel_workers of the table

  • Added support of Collation, FTS Configuration, FTS Dictionary, FTS Parser, FTS Template, Foreign Tables, Domain, Domain Constraints, Types, Packages, Sequences and Synonyms to the Schema Diff

  • Warn the user if an unsupported, deprecated or unknown browser is detected

  • Features - Package Deployment and Streaming Replication Wizard are no longer available from PEM v7.14

This release also includes fixes for the following issues:

  • Check for proper PEM schema version before running BART specific functions for backward compatibility [981208]

  • SQL profiler plugin was not able to load the profiler traces on ppcle machine [991929]

  • Fixed server registration through newer version pemWorker to work with an older version of PEM Server [771096]

  • PEM SSL certificates and JDBC issue [889103/891270/893358/954539]

    • User will be able to use JDBC using the certificates generated using sslutils v1.3

  • User is now able to save two filters with same column name in SQL Profiler filter window [987042]

  • PEMAgent service should not get disabled after upgrading [994563]

  • Fixed an issue where user was not able to change the email group from Agent dialog [995734]

  • Ensure all object types have a "System XXX?" property.

  • Ensure that the password prompt should not be visible if the database server is in trust authentication mode.

  • Fixed an issue where the query tool was unable to load the file which contains the BOM marker.

  • Fixed an issue where right-clicking a browser object does not apply to the object on which right-click was fired.

  • Ensure that the start and end date should be deleted when clear the selection for pgAgent Job.

  • Added multiple drop/delete functionality for the table constraints.

  • Fixed copy-paste row issues in View/Edit Data.

  • Modified keyboard shortcuts in Query Tool for OSX native support.

  • Fixed cursor disappeared issue in the query editor for some of the characters when zoomed out.

  • Fixed mouse click issue where it does not select an object in Browser unless the pointer is over the object.

  • Fix an issue where the user can not change the value of DateTime picker control using the keyboard.

  • Ensure the DROP statements in reverse engineered SQL are properly quoted for all objects.

  • Ensure all object names in the title line of the reverse-engineered SQL are not quoted.

  • Fixed an issue where like options should be disabled if the relation is not selected while creating a table.

  • Fixed calendar opening issue on the exception tab inside the schedules tab of pgAgent.

  • Ensure that if the delimiter is set other than comma then download the file as '.txt' file.

  • Fixed some accessibility issues in the dialogs.

  • Fixed encoding issue while saving data in encoded charset other than 'utf-8'.

  • Added schema-qualified dictionary names in FTS configuration to avoid confusion of duplicate names.

  • Enable the save button by default when a query tool is opened with CREATE or other scripts.

  • Fixed python exception error when a user tries to download the CSV and there is a connection issue.

  • Fixed an issue when changing the comments of the procedure with arguments gives error in case of overloading.

  • Fixed an issue when the user creates a temporary table with 'on commit drop as' clause.

  • Changed the color of selected and hovered item for Select2 dropdown.

  • Ensure that Constraint Trigger, Deferrable, Deferred option should be disabled when the user selects EDB-SPL function for the trigger.

  • Fixed an issue where changing the values of columns with JSONB or JSON types to NULL.

  • Improve the style of the highlighted code after query execution for Dark mode.

  • Ensure index dropdown should have existing indexes while creating unique constraints.

  • Fixed an issue where columns names should be visible in the order of their creation in the browser tree.

  • Fixed an issue where changing the columns in the existing view throws an error.

  • Ensure that AlertifyJS should not be visible as a title for alert dialog.

  • Changed background pattern for geometry viewer to use #fff for all themes.

  • Fix an issue where debugger not showing all arguments anymore after hitting SQL error while debugging.

  • Fix an issue where command and statements were parsed incorrectly for Rules.

  • Ensure that all the transactions should be canceled before closing the connections when a server is disconnected using PEM.

  • Fix accessibility issues for the maximize button of the Alertify dialog.

  • Ensure that default sort order should be using the primary key in View/Edit data.

  • Fixed an issue where the autovacuum_enabled parameter is added automatically in the RE-SQL when the table has been created using the WITH clause.

  • Fixed Firefox monospaced issue by updating the font to the latest version.

  • Fixed an issue when the user performs refresh on a large size materialized view.

  • Update Flask-SQLAlchemy and SQLAlchemy package which is not working on Windows with Python 3.8.

  • Fix syntax error when changing the event type for the existing rule.

  • Improve logic to get the DDL statements as a part of the comparison.

  • Fixed an issue where users cannot be added if many users already exist.

  • Fixed tab key navigation issue for Grant Wizard.

  • Fixed generated SQL when any token in FTS Configuration or any option in FTS Dictionary is changed.

  • Ensure that OID should be shown in properties for Synonyms.

  • Fixed tab key navigation issue for parameters in table dialog.

  • Fixed Unicode character issue causing the error on the Python2 environment.

  • Fixed an issue where difference SQL is not seen in the schema diff tool for Types.

  • Ensure that the switch cell is in sync with switch control for accessibility.

  • Fixed an issue where schema diff showing changes in the identical domain constraints.

  • Fixed an issue where schema diff marks an identical table as different.

  • Fixed the rightmost and bottom tooltip crop issues in the explain query plan.

  • Fixed modified SQL issue while adding an exception in pgAgent job schedule.

  • Fixes an issue where PEM GUI does not display properly in IE 11.

  • Fixed an issue where the identical packages and sequences visible as different in the schema diff tool.

  • Added alert message to Reset Layout if any of the panels from Query Tool failed to load.

  • Fixed tab key navigation for some dialogs.

  • Fixed an issue where the Mode cell of argument grid does not appear completely in the Functions dialog.

  • Fixed syntax error while refreshing the existing synonyms.

  • Fixed an issue where the mode is not shown in the properties dialog of functions/procedures if all the arguments are "IN" arguments.

  • Fixed an issue where the search object module was unable to locate the object in the browser tree.

  • Fixed internal server error when the database server is logged in with a non-super user.

  • Fixed search object issue when the object name contains special characters.

  • Fixed an issue while removing the package body showing wrong modified SQL.

  • Fixed an issue where the search object not able to locate pg_toast_* tables in the pg_toast schema.

  • Ensure that the query tool context menu should work on the collection nodes.

  • Fixed failed to fetch utility error when click on refresh(any option) materialized view.

End-of-Support Reminder: 

We recommend you update to the most recent software version.  If you have not yet updated to the most current version, please note the end-of-support notes below*:

  • Deprecated: EDB ARK UI management

  • Version:  7.13

  • End of Standard Support: August 31st, 2020


*Additional details can be found on our website at https://www.enterprisedb.com/services-support/edb-supported-products-and-platforms#pem



For more details, please review the EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager 7.14 documentation.
PEM Documentation


This announcement is for EDB customers who are using or are interested in, EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager


This update is available from the download section of our website:  https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/edb-postgres-enterprise-manager

This update is also available as RPM/DEB packages that can be downloaded from the yum.enterprisedb.com/apt.enterprisedb.com repositories respectively. To set up your credentials and gain access to the repositories, please submit a request: https://www.enterprisedb.com/repository-access-request

Windows installers are available via Stack Builder Plus.

Installation instructions can be found at:



For other documentation in a number of different formats, please visit:





If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:

Email:  support@enterprisedb.com

Phone: US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891

UK: +44-2033719820

Brazil: +55-2139581371 

India: +91-20-66449612

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