Technical Update for EDB Postgres BART 2.3

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This article was originally published on February 04, 2019

Technical Update

EDB Postgres Backup and Recovery Tool  2.3
This announcement is notifying you of a new software release: EDB Postgres Backup and Recovery Tool  2.3 (BART 2.3)
EDB Backup and Recovery facilitates and automates complete hot physical backups of your PostgreSQL or EDB Postgres Advanced Server database. It is a centralized server that can connect to and backup multiple local or remote Postgres databases.
In previous releases, EDB introduced capabilities such as block-level incremental backup, policy enforced management and naming of the backup files, compressed storage, and low disk space alerts.
Highlights of this release includes:

  • Support for EDB Postgres Advanced Server 11. (BART-347)
  • BART will now always create a recovery.conf file even if PITR option is not used.  This enables additional sanity checks to ensure that recovery is performed correctly, and will result in the server performing at timeline switch when recovery is complete. (BART-348)
  • A new parameter “mbm-scan-timeout” is introduced to specify a timeout value for waiting for an MBM file. The default value is set to 20 sec if value is not assigned at the command line. (BART-342) 
Defects corrected in this update:
  • BART check-config command was throwing an error if wal_level is set to logical. The wal_level logical is valid for bart-scanner hence the error check is removed. (BART-333)
  • The error in the logs “sorry, too many connections already” is noticed during backup because BART tries to reconnect to the server multiple times in quick succession. This has been fixed. (BART-344)
  • In the case of nested tablespaces where tablespace name begins with PG_ BART is listing tablespace information for the same backup multiple times in the backupinfo file. This causes an error when the user tries to restore the backup because BART is expecting to restore paths for more tablespaces than what is actually part of the backup. This has been fixed. (BART-352)
  • Fixed a bug that can cause an incremental backup to incorrectly fail with a complaint about a gap in the sequence of MBM files. (BART-380)
  • Fixed a bug that can cause bart-scanner to abort if a WAL segment ends with a partial record which spans over multiple WAL files. (BART-362)

When the 'bart show-backups' command was executed, the last modification time was displayed as the backup time. This has been fixed and now the backup stop time is displayed as the backup time. (BART-353)

This announcement is for EDB customers who are using:

  • EDB Backup and Recovery Tool  v2.0, 2.1, 2.2 
This update is available as an RPM package that can be downloaded from the repository. To setup your credentials and gain access to the yum repository, please submit a request:
Documentation is provided on the EnterpriseDB website. Visit:
EDB Backup and Recovery Tool 2.3 supports Postgres database server versions 9.5 and later. Postgres database server versions 9.4 or earlier are not supported by BART 2.0 version and onwards.
Do not perform an upgrade to BART versions 2.0 or later unless you are on database server version 9.5 or later.

If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:
US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891
UK: +44-2033719820
Brazil: +55-2139581371
India: +91-20-66449612

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