Technical Alert for EDB YUM Repository

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This article was originally published on October 10, 2019


Recommended: This update improves repository usability by eliminating the current multi-part structure of the EnterpriseDB YUM software repository. This change has no impact on EDB software currently deployed and running in your environment. It is recommended that you apply the change when convenient, before your next planned update.

This technical alert is notifying you of a planned change to the EnterpriseDB YUM software repository structure to improve usability.

For most customers, this upgrade is expected to be seamless. To convert your existing local repository to use the new single YUM repository you will need to run yum upgrade twice. If you are in the very small number of customers who have specific scripts that rely on the existing multi-part structure, there is a short transition period available.


This alert is for customers using:

  • The EnterpriseDB YUM repository ( for accessing the EDB Postgres Platform software for RHEL and CentOS.


A structure change to improve the usability of EnterpriseDB’s YUM repository goes live October 17, 2019 for all EnterpriseDB products currently on standard support.


The first time you do an update after this change goes into effect, the repo rpm file will be updated with the new repository structure. Specifically, your current repo file is renamed as a snapshot/backup, and the values are copied into a new repo rpm file. From this point forward updates will include the components from the single repository.

Therefore, to get updated components in the new structure you run yum upgrade twice.

The installation guides for all products are updated to include information on using the new single repository structure. To find the installation guide for a specific product, please select from the product menu option at the top of the EDB documentation page

If you experience any problems accessing the YUM repository with your credentials, please contact EDB Technical Support at the phone number or email address found in the Troubleshooting section below.


The changes announced today are for the YUM (RHEL/CentOS) repository for the supported versions of the EDB Postgres Platform including 11, 10, 9.6, 9.5, and 9.4 on Intel and PowerPC architectures. For details on specific platforms currently supported see the EDB Supported Products and Platforms page on the website.

After the change is in effect all new product releases will only be available in the new single repository structure; this includes the upcoming EDB Postgres Platform 12

If your operating environment is not connected to the internet, the new repository structure also hosts a tarball of the repository, making it easier to download everything you need to install.

Changes for the ZYPP (SLES) repository structure will be announced at a later time. There are no changes necessary for APT (Debian/Ubuntu).

If you have a situation where you are using scripts that rely on the existing multi-part structure, EDB will maintain both repository structures for 6 months to enable a transition period. After 6 months, the older structure will be available, but no longer synchronized with the newer structure. 12 months after the new single repository becomes available, the old structure will be removed.

See the EnterpriseDB YUM repository FAQ at:

If you experience any problems installing the new software please contact Technical Support at:
Phone: US: +1-732-331-1320 or 1-800-235-5891
UK: +44-2033719820
Brazil: +55-2139581371
India: +91-20-66449612

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