This article was originally published on August 26, 2021
This is to update you about the release of Migration Portal 3.3.0, the latest version of the web-based self-service tool for assessing and migrating Oracle database schemas to EDB Postgres Advanced Server. You can conveniently and quickly evaluate the feasibility of migrating one or multiple database schemas from Oracle to EDB Postgres Advanced Server, minimizing the time and risk typically involved with database migrations.
Highlights of this release:
Highlights |
Type |
Improved Assessment progress bar along with DDL file upload progress information |
Enhancement |
Migration Portal now enables the user to handle objects having the same name more efficiently. This helps improve overall compatibility with EDB Postgres Advanced Server. |
Enhancement |
Enhanced the Knowledge Base and Repair Handlers documentation |
Enhancement |
Optimized user experience |
Enhancement |
Detects and reports incompatibility for Oracle’s unsupported catalog tables (ex: v$parameter, v$instance, etc.) inside PL/SQL block. |
Enhancement |
Added informative text in the exported DDL file to distinguish the start of object DDLs |
Enhancement |
Added additional information, count of schemas, in extracted DDL file |
Enhancement |
Improved authorization checks for user data access |
Security Enhancement |
Added Knowledge Base article for user-defined Oracle aggregate function |
Knowledge Base Addition |
ERH-2001 and ERH-2002 Enhanced these Repair Handlers to detect 'BY DEFAULT ON NULL' syntax and convert it to EDB Postgres Advanced Server compatible 'BY DEFAULT' syntax. |
Repair Handler Enhancement |
ERH-2065 - NO_INMEMORY_CLAUSE Enhanced the Repair Handler to handle various combinations of the 'INMEMORY' clause in the TABLE definition |
Repair Handler Enhancement |
ERH-2013 - EDITIONABLE Enhanced the Repair Handler to repair the EDITIONABLE keyword in appropriate contexts only |
Repair Handler Enhancement |
Fixed the issue wherein DDL Extractor was failing for schema names starting with PG (Case #1324921) |
Bug |
Fixed an issue wherein the Migration Portal was failing for the Oracle 19c Partitioned Index. |
Bug |
Fixed the Async (parallel) assessment issues |
Bug |
Fixed an issue wherein a table having UNIQUE constraint outside the table definition fails for assessment against the source database as Oracle 18c/19c |
Bug |
In rare scenarios, the project list showed 'assessing...' status for a long time (in case of failed assessments). This issue is resolved now. |
Bug |
Fixed an issue related to Push Notification to redirect the scope to the Migration Portal tab instead of opening a new tab |
Bug |
Corrected the default target server version when Create Project is triggered from Getting Started Popup |
Bug |
In the case of objects having the same name, Migration Portal now shows the correct error message along with a hint. |
Bug |
Fixed an issue in the DDL extractor where it was skipping a couple of Oracle sample schemas |
Bug |
For more details, please review the Migration Portal documentation:
Migration Portal Guide.