Release Announcement Trusted Postgres Architect 23.24

Customer Portal
Customer Portal

This article was originally published on October 18, 2023


Trusted Postgres Architect 23.24 is now available. 

Trusted Postgres Architect (TPA) is a deployment automation and configuration management tool that encapsulates EDB’s experience in High Availability (HA) Postgres to simplify the deployment of HA clusters. Using TPA, you can deploy a robust production-ready cluster with only a few simple commands. Furthermore, you can manage the configuration of that cluster throughout its lifetime, applying changes and updates with minimal downtime. TPA supports EDB Postgres Distributed and primary-standby HA architectures including some composed entirely of open source components. EDB customers and the wider Postgres community can benefit from simple, robust, and repeatable deployment and management of trusted HA architectures with TPA.

Please note that 2ndQuadrant/ansible is now deprecated and `tpaexec setup` now defaults to Community Ansible. Support for using the 2ndQuadrant Ansible fork in will be removed from TPA in April 2024 and the GitHub repository will be archived. You should switch to Community Ansible, which is now the default. For the vast majority of users, this change will be transparent. However, if you are using `--skip-tags` with 2ndQuadrant Ansible, be aware that this is not supported with TPA and Community Ansible. We plan to provide an alternative to `--skip-tags` compatible with Community Ansible before the removal of 2ndQuadrant Ansible.

For further information, including bug fixes or changes, please refer to the Release Notes.



For more information, please see the latest Trusted Postgres Architect content at the EDB Docs Website.



This announcement is for EDB customers* who are interested in Trusted Postgres Architect and have a subscription plan purchased for:

  • Community360
  • Standard
  • Enterprise

*Trusted Postgres Architect is open source, so you do not have to be a customer to use it.



EDB customers must follow the installation instructions to install the appropriate Trusted Postgres Architect package from EDB Repos. 

See Create a new account to request the credentials required to access EDB repositories.

The Trusted Postgres Architect source code is available under the GPLv3 open source licence from GitHub. To install TPA from source, please see the instructions here.



If you experience any problems around the installation, migration, upgrade, or general use of your EDB software, please contact our Technical Support teams.

Customers may reach us at the EDB Customer Support Portal, and we’re also available 24x7 via email and phone at the details below:

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